How To Massage Feet

Last Updated on September 24, 2017

After a long day at work, one might have an aching foot. This may be as a result of wearing a tight shoe that causes discomfort or due to an injury sustained. Whatever the case, massaging your feet can bring about relaxation, relieve headaches, treat insomnia, and reduce stress. Also, if you massage your partner regularly, this can strengthen the bond between the two of you and assist the person massaging to have reduced blood pressure and be calm, too. In order to have a perfect massage, there are some techniques that should be followed as you will learn later on as you read on.

Massage has lots of benefits. A bit before conducting a massage, one should have the following equipment ready. They include massage oil, lotion, cocoa butter, blanket, and pillow. Other things to include making the massage more interesting are playing soothing music, lighting candles or incense, turning down the lights, and massaging the person tenderly. If the person has medical conditions like gout or diabetes or if they have feet that have blisters, are swollen, or have warts, you shouldn’t massage their feet. Alternatively, you can use a spa machine or you should talk to the doctor before doing so.

How to massage the feet properly


  • Create a serene environment to perform the massage

First and foremost, you need to create a soothing surrounding for massage. Ensure that the place that the person to be massaged will lie on is smooth such as covering it with a blanket and pillow. The lights should be low and cool music should be playing in the background.

  • Soak the feet to be massaged in hot water mixed with sliced fruit

Then, have the person to place their feet in hot warm mixed with sliced fruit. The fruit can be lemon, lime, or orange. Let the person soak the feet inside the hot water for around 5 minutes. You can rub the fruit slices on their feet in the process.

  • Dry the feet with a clean and dry towel

After the feet have soaked for 5 minutes, you can then take a clean and dry towel and pat dry their feet. For an easy and quick job, you should take one foot at a time so that you do it properly. Also, you will allow the other feet to soak before pat drying it with another dry towel.

  • Apply a small portion of massage oil, lotion, or cream

In order for you to properly massage the person, you will need to apply massage oil, cream, or lotion on your hands so that you can reduce friction between your hands and the feet to be massaged. The best massage oil should be made of natural ingredients and it shouldn’t be irritating to the skin.

  • Rub the top of the foot with your thumbs

Begin at the top of their toe, and move slowly upwards to the ankle. Then, move back down their foot, beginning from their ankle. Use firm pressure with your thumbs, transfusing their foot in your hands.

  • Massage the arches of the foot

Utilize your thumbs to apply little pressure to the arch of their foot, just below the ball of their foot. Move one thumb clockwise and the other thumb contra-clockwise in small circles. Perform this action for at least 30 seconds.

  • Rub the heels of the foot

Move your thumbs from up to down their archilles tendon, which extends from the heel and ankle up to the calf muscle. Then, rub the heel of their foot in circular movements utilizing your thumbs. To make things easier for you, you might be forced to lift their foot up with one hand so that you can access their heel easily.

  • Press firmly and pull every toe

Take their foot with one hand, right below their arch. With your second hand, put your thumb on top of their big toe. Your index finger should be under your big toe. Turn around the toe slimly to one side and pull the toe from the top to the bottom. Return to the top of the toe and squeeze it with your thumb and pointer finger. Perform this for every toe to assist loosen and relieve them.

  • Slide up and down every toe using your fingers

Take the foot with one hand, right behind the heel. Then, put the index finger of your other hand between the toes of the individual being massaged. Slide your finger towards the base of the toes and then back towards the end of the toe. Repeat this 2 to 3 times between their toes.

  • Pay attention to one foot before moving on to the next

If you want to perform an excellent massage, simply pay attention to one foot before moving on to the next. Just repeat the same things done we’ve discussed above on the second foot.

  • Perform a deep massage on the ankles

Identify the hollow place under their ankle. Apply your thumb or forefinger to slowly press this place for a few seconds. Use your thumb to perform circular motions around the ankles. Put even pressure.

  • Apply your fist on the soles of the feet

To provide a deeper massage, hold their foot with one hand on the heel. Create a fist with your other hand and slowly squeeze it on the sole of their foot. Then, move your fist against the sole in circular movements, similar to when you’re kneading dough. Slide it up and down the sole.

  • Utilize pressure on particular places of the foot

To relieve a particular problem on a person, you can as well specifically massage certain parts of the feet. Utilize your thumb and forefinger to place even pressure to the areas a person has a problem in order to assist relieve a certain problem a person is undergoing.

  • Talk to the person and note if they are enjoying the message

When the person you’re massaging makes certain sounds or seems uncomfortable, you should speak to them and find out if they are enjoying the massage or not. Although feet massage is a great practice, it should be conducted when the person feels that it’s right for them.

  • Make a routine to massage at a particular time

Massaging is a practice that should be developed and it shouldn’t be just a one-time thing. Select a massaging time when your partner is free or after dinner. Doing it on a daily or weekly basis is a great idea.

Benefits of undertaking a foot massage

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Brings about relaxation
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces stress
  • Relieves from headache and migraines
  • Prevents injury and quick recovery

Bottom line

Feet massage plays a very vital role as it increases the flow of blood in the legs, helps a person relax, relieves stress, and assists one to fall asleep easily. In addition, if loved ones massage one another, it increases bondage between the two. With the various advantages of massage, it is important to create a massage routine so that you can constantly have healthy and strong legs. Also, things like swelling and stress will be reduced. All you need to do is to follow the right massage techniques and you will be good to go. Hopefully, you’ve found this article t be of great help to you.

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